Saturday, 12 April 2014


We expected a coastal walk.  I was worried we might get tired of plunging through pebbled beaches for three days.  I thought we weren't up for the challenge.  Walking on pebbles is challenging.

From Axminster in the East, to Exmouth in the West - three days of gentle seaside strolling, following the coast.  It would be light on the brain - there's no way we can get lost!  Just keep walking forward, following the shore! Our map was a quaint formality, a manifestation of my insistence to champion Ordnance Survey in a world of GPS.  The maps and compass would be fun, but predominately walking accessories to mark the difference between town and country.

Our experience was so different from what we had intended - a journey marked by its simplicity, its cleanness, its clarity of air.  Flat and simple, peppered with small villages and towns that had local museums and galleries, chip shops and pleasure gardens.  Our scant research had told us this much.  We knew where we would be staying, we knew how we would be getting home once we got to Exmouth.  We could not have been less knowledgeable about the territory that we encountered.

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